I started at a place of disconnect and feeling unsettled. By the end of our call I felt inspired, positive and confident to achieve anything. Jill’s ability to create a calmness and redirection so quickly was outstanding. Even just the simple act of recapping my words was so insightful. I could recognize the poor word choices I was making that were contributing to the negativity and inconsistent outcomes. Redirecting my words to my true intention was AMAZING & EMPOWERING!! Jill’s senses without even being face to face was incredible. I’ve never had a coach provide such an outcome so quickly and efficiently. Jill is amazing at what she does. ~Tiffany
I still look back on the full page of notes I took. By now, everything I wrote down is taped to my computer, or my bathroom mirror, or my dashboard. Now my to-do-list is three items long. If it’s not in the top three, it’s not important today. I’m so glad I met her. Now my time is focused, and I’m using my energy far more effectively. Thank you Jill! ~Michael Grimshaw, WI, Owner, Atlas Manufacturing
Before working with Jill, I was in a place where I wasn’t believing and trusting myself. I struggled to find direction while lacking positive self-talk. Jill was insightful and understanding. Through our work together, I accomplished many things I thought were unachievable. I was able to help my young daughter launch her book business, win third place in a fitness competition, and finish my very first novel and more. This was all done in just a few months! I no longer doubt my abilities, but rather honor who I am. I am unstoppable! Let Jill heal you and you can be unstopped too! ~Andrea, Houston, TX
Thank you so much. I can really feel the energy start to move. A lot of amazing things are happening, Jill. It’s a lot of fun. I started a new journal to Write down your good and I have quite a list which I hope to share and celebrate.
Mainly, when you/I/we/???/ removed the block to connect with others, a whole world started to develop. And as I’m happier, too, of course, I start to attract good things.
I’m also kind of shocked that I have no buyer’s remorse, which is unusual (extremely). I feel very sure about this process even though I know little about it and very little about you. I trusted you, or, chose to trust you, and I am glad that I did.
Thank you. Whatever you’re doing, don’t stop. ~Lois Baker, Iowa City, IA
CLICK HERE to see Tarek Bibi’s POWERFUL experience regarding his safety, trust and relationship breakthroughs.~Tarek Bibi, Toronto, Canada, Thrive Doing What You Love, www.TarekBibi.com
When I began working with Jill, I was fatigued through poor sleep patterns, uncertain about life, anxious and unable to make decisions about the direction I wanted my life to go. After the first session, my anxiety was greatly reduced and I slept really well. Jill helped me to switch perspective on certain issues in my life and release old beliefs that no longer served me. Each session we worked on what was going on in my life, good and bad, and each time Jill showed me a different way of being and gave me tools to work with that supported the sessions and helped me release old stuck energy. I had so many light bulb moments between sessions. I am not the same person! I hardly recognize myself now! My anxiety has gone, I sleep well, and if I wake, I can go back to sleep. I am clear– I easily make decisions about my life, work and family that support my vision and purpose, and as a result, countless gifts that align with those decisions are manifesting! I am excited about life, energized and grounded. A great experience for anyone wanting to make changes in their life. ~ Evroula Kargotis, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Jill helped me become so much clearer about valuing what I offer, and having the clarity and confidence to say the things I need to say to people in my office. In the beginning, I allowed people to walk all over me because I was too scared to tell anyone “no.” And I was really unhappy with a lot of things happening and not happening with my practice. Now I am moving forward in a much more positive direction, and I am so grateful for the work Jill and I did together. ~ Rebecca Eberle, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, http://www.widerhorizonschiropractic.com/
Before working with Jill, I was lacking clarity. I didn’t know what to do with my business. I moved back and forth between excitement and self-doubt.
Jill helped me put it in perspective, what’s true. She helped me own my power, decide what I want and see what’s important. She gave me tools, showed me how to embrace the self-doubt and not let it take over. She was there by my side and holding my hand. I would be lost now if it wasn’t for her support. I am grateful for her wonderful presence and guidance.
Now, I feel more at peace with my choices and know what I deserve. It feels great! I know what to do when self-doubts show up again in my life. Thank you Jill! ~ Theany Chan, Montreal, Canada, Bringing “Mompreneurs” Together, Club des Mamans Entrepreneures du Québec, www.TheanyChan.com
All I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The emotional transformations that have taken place in my life in the last 3 months of working with you have been life changing! When we began talking I was in a very dark place with a lot of uncertainty about if I was worthy of the life I desired. Through working with you, I have come to realize that I am not only worthy, but also a powerful creator. My dream life is beginning to manifest before my eyes! I am now eager and happy to wake up each day to see how my day unfolds. I am excited about my daily interactions because I see them as a guide from the universe to help me follow my authentic self. Because of your help on my journey we will help many others along the path! I’m looking forward to our continued work together and I am excited to tell you how my life continues to unfold in glorious ways! You are a true healer and I am so happy that we have connected! ~ Aubrey Contramaestre, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Ananda Acupuncture, www.MKECenterForWellness.com
When I met Jill, I was ready for big change. I immediately felt like she understood me. I knew she was the coach I’d been searching for. I also knew in order for change to happen, I would have to face and release old feelings that had been holding me back for so long. While this was necessary, it was not easy. Jill always made me feel safe and secure. I was able to embrace my past and move forward. I felt huge shifts in my energy and confidence during every session. Over time I began to feel liberated. I no longer carry the burden of worrying what others think. I live boldly, according to what makes my heart sing.
Since working with Jill, I’ve gained the clarity I need to write my first book. My coaching practice has expanded effortlessly, I’ve attracted multiple new clients in a very short time. I’m getting requests for speaking engagements and I’m sent new referrals almost every day. I’ve had money show up in my life unexpectedly and it feels like everything I touch turns to gold!
This all sounds too good to be true, but it is not! It’s my wonderful reality. I truly feel that working with Jill helped me release old, stale energy in my life that was stifling my success. I feel renewed, the best version of myself leaving a little spark wherever I go. I’ve never felt happier or lighter and even more importantly, I’m closer to my sons than ever before. Thank you Jill for helping me finally, live out loud. ~ Nicole Isler, West Bend, Wisconsin (Energy for Life, http://www.nicoleeisler.com)
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my JOYFUL heart for all that you have done for me and with me! The journey that you have helped me through has been amazing, fun, challenging, eye-opening, unforgettable, grounding, motivating … I could go on and on. I truly appreciate your warm, loving nature and your gifts to help TRANSFORM and heal energy! I know this was a missing piece in other work that I have done in the past. Thank you so much for inspiring me to move into my new office space, outside my home, and for the special dedication and clearing that you provided for the space. I love my new treatment room! I look forward to our continued connection and look forward to doing more work with you in the future! ~ Emily Yenor, Brookfield, Wisconsin, Muscular Activation Therapist, www.FCWMAT.com
I had a free energy scan done with Jill Borsos, and right then and there she had my chakras all summed up in a spoken language (she shared exactly what was holding me back in each chakra), and she was right on target! I then chose to sign up to work with her for twelve weeks of coaching. I must be honest, I tried to back out, because another choice came up, but she held steadfast.
Because of her knowledge, and instead of running away, I chose to stay. Well, I must say, that was the best decision of could have made for my life. Jill and I worked through many experiences that were continually going on in my life, from the past to the present. She helped me to help myself, which is where all true evolving and healing comes from—within yourself. She helped me to gain greater clarity, and vision, and to release things that were holding me back.
It was such a pleasure learning from her as I used her insight to help myself, as I used my knowing and energy to move through many experiences that were coming up from my soul to look at, work with, and release. I so looked forward to each week, so I could share my victories with her, and how proud I was of my accomplishments with her expertise to move beyond the old and align with the new life I AM here to embrace.
Jill really cares about humanity, as I do, so I must tell you that if you truly desire to move through what is holding you back, Jill is a jewel to be utilized. I AM so filled with gratitude for all the love and deep healing that I experienced working with her. I cannot say enough about Jill and the beautiful work she is doing to help humanity.
So give yourself the gift that keeps on giving … give Jill a call and see the magic that happens … With much love and appreciation to Jill and all that she does. ~ Terry, the LoveBug, Rhode Island
Jill Borsos has a gentle direct no-nonsense style of communication based on the highest integrity. She is a catalyst for courage. Someone you can safely trust with your whole heart. I am came to Jill with a broken heart. With her gentle and committed skills Jill was able to recreate my sense of self. I was able to reconnect with my highest self and develop a love and confidence in my special gifts that I have been given to share with humanity. I recommend Jill’s expertise to anyone who is committed to creating a powerful new life for themselves. ~ Catherine Coombes, New Zealand
Jill Borsos is an effective and wonderful healer. Every time I had difficulty with conversations with my clients, I would talk to Jill, and immediately, I would have another client afterwards, sometimes within an hour afterwards. Jill has a way of positively figuring what you are doing in your life to put you in the mode of positive outcome. Jill is a strong person–compassionate, and kind. I felt not only safe working with Jill, but like I could do anything. Thank you, Jill! ~ Jennifer Darling
I can’t put in words my gratitude for helping me to re-plug in my Soul to the source of the creation, getting back to be able to live and feel deeply and at the same time recognize and honor all my emotions and feelings (All: what we call positives as well as those negatives). Acceptance was the next step in this wonderful work we have done together to reach this shore of peace, joy and love. Although English is not my native language, you have the sensitivity, knowledge and techniques to make this journey easy and efficient. I thank and honor your wise Soul. ~ Georgina – Mexico
There’s spinning inside of me; it’s like a tornado going in both directions. I’m on the ocean, but on top of the wave, instead of in the middle of it. I feel like I just got pulled out of quicksand! You are a Godsend! You’re exactly what I need. ~ Utah
Talk about shifts … you can go ahead and charge the whole thing. I just looked at my credit card and I have enough to cover it! I really don’t know where that came from. ~ New York